Business Consultancy – Advice –Training

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Who Uses our Services?

Small to Medium Businesses Including

New Businesses

According to research by the Small Business Association 30% of new businesses fail in the first year and 50% fail in the first 5 years of opening. In reality those businesses were in trouble from day one. Making sure the foundations of your business are solid will provide stability and ability for growth.

Existing Businesses which are:

  • Not reaching full potential or becoming stagnant
  • Struggling daily to survive
  • In need of guidance or expertise in any of the services we offer.
Our Services

Let Us Help

What We Do

We work with each business in a very hands on, practical manner. We don’t use buzz words or give unrealistic aspirational advice. It’s very difficult for a business owner in a small to medium business to able to give sufficient time to growing and developing the business. Many businesses owners have fantastic ideas, are very creative or experts in their field but to survive and grow, every business owner also needs the business aspect catered for. We break your business down into manageable sections that can be focused on, where problems can be identified and solved and potential can be nurtured and grown. We then set targets for short, medium and long term strategies to ensure a healthy and sustained growth.

Business Consultancy & Advising

Strategy, budgeting, marketing, negotiation, staffing, online presence, social media, best practice procedures, useful I.T. tools.

IT, Social Media, Online Presence

Utilising IT can be a huge benefit in terms of organising/planning and time/cost saving. Correct use of Social Media and online presence can greatly boost your sales and attract more and varied customers.

Staff Training

Not getting full potential or value for money from your staff? Your staff are the most valuable asset to your business. Properly trained staff mean an efficiently run business and a more relaxed boss.

Staff Recruitment

Hiring can be a minefield for employers. This is a 2 step process. Recruitment & Selection. Recruitment means ensuring you know exactly what kind of skill-sets, personality and other factors the position requires, helping to narrow down candidates and allowing for a smooth selection process.

Debt Negotiation

While most businesses operate with loans, debt problems can be the downfall of any business. Identifying these problems, communicating effectively with all parties concerned and a solution strategy means businesses can survive and thrive.

Helping To Enjoy Your Business

Owning a business can be one of the most rewarding and positive things in your life. It can also be one of the most stressful, working 24/7 with all the financial headaches and decisions resting on your shoulders. With correct management and sectioned focus we can help you enjoy your business and your time off.

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